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Каталог библиотеки

Названиесортировать по убыванию Автор Издатель Год
A Giude to Use and Development of Populated Area Lands (Zoning). Gusakov V., Valetta W., Nudelman V., Vashkulat O. Kiev, Ukrarkhbudinform 1996
A Guaranteed Minimum Income Program in Ukraine: Its Design and Implementation. Policy Report No. 29 PADCO/USAID 1999
A Guide to Appraising Industrial Property Shenkel M. Society of Real Estate Appraisers 1980
A Guide to Competitive Vouchers in Health Washington D.C.: The World Bak 2005
A Guide to Living Standards Measurement Study Surveys and Their Data Sets Grosh Margaret E., Glewwe Paul The World Bank 1995
A Guide to Monitoring and Controling Utility Costs Price Seymour BNA Books, Washington 1973
A Guide to Strategic Planning for Corporate Contributions Cynthia D. Giroud Council on Foundation 1999
A Japanese Think Tank: Exploring Alternative Models. R.Struyk, Ueno Makiko, Suzuki Takahiro The Urban Institute, Washington 1993
A legal analysis of the impact of EC legislation on the Housing Sector. EC Guide Rhona Wyles 1994
A Low-cost Building Preservation Model. The Republic of Armenia 2003

