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Каталог библиотеки

Названиесортировать по убыванию Автор Издатель Год
Access to Basic Infrastructure by the Urban Poor. Menendez Aurelio The World Bank 1991
Accessible Meetings and Conventions Jarrow J. E., Park C. B. AHEAD 1992
Accounting: Text and Cases. Ninth Edition. Anthony Robert, Reece James, Hertenstein Julie IRWIN 1995
Achieving Full Potential: Women in Russian Small and Medium Enterprise. Final Report of a Conference USAID USAID 1997
Active Labor Market Policies in Poland: Human Capital Enhancement, Stigmatization, or Benefet Churning?//Journal of Comparative Economics. - 1999. - vol. 27. - pp. 61-89 Kluve J., Lehmann H., Schmidt C.M. 1999
Adbances in the Valuation and Management of Mortgage-Backet Securities Fabozzi Frank J. (editor) 1998
Adding Options to Your PS1 Computer. IBM IBM 1993
Adequate and Affordable Housing for All. Research, Policy, Practice. Research Abstracts from the International Housing Research Conference University of Toronto, 2004 Hulchanski J., Murdie R., Campsie P. (edit) CUCS Press 2004
Administering Housing Allowances in Moscow Khadduri Jill The UI 1992
Administering Targeted Social Programs in Latin America. From Platitudes to Practice Grosh M.E. Washington, D.C.: The World Bank 1994

